Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Collage Project

To my wildly creative computer art students,
Below are some incredibly random images.  You must choose at least five of the images and put them together into a cohesive collage that has some sort of narrative.  In addition to these images, you may use the brush tool, shape tool, and/or text tool.  You may also add just one addition image of your own choosing if it will help drive your narrative.
I have also post some examples of collages below.

Good luck!!!


Images for assignment

Collage Examples


Monday, October 22, 2018

Mock "Have you seen..." Poster

My loyal students,
This is a project that is really just to have some fun with design.  I want you to do a "mock flyer" for something that you have lost and post in the traditional manner.  It should be clever and somewhat off the wall like the posters below.  I also want it in the format that has removable tags on the bottom of the page. 
Please have fun with this, and if I don't laugh when I read I'll immediately take points off!

Good luck!


Mock "Have you seen..." posters