Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Silhouette Project

The next project is a Silhouette Project.  You will need to find an image, select around it and fill it to create a Silhouette.  That image should be accompanied by a background of your choosing.  The elements should work together for an interesting and mind-blowingly beautiful composition.  Just to make sure you get it right, I'd like you to do three different variations of your image.

Good night and good luck!


Silhouette Project

Silhouette Project

Silhouette Project

Silhouette Project

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Assignment No. 1 - Color Scheme Project

Greetings my fearless students.
See below for examples for your color scheme project.  Using the Fill Tool, Selection Tool, Shape Tool, Brush Tool and Gradient Tool, create one full image for each of the color schemes shown in the chart.  Be mindful of your design elements; keeping in mind the shape harmony and the composition.

Good luck!


Color Scheme Chart

Complimentry Color Scheme

Analogous Color Scheme

Split Complimentry Color Scheme

Tetratic Color Scheme Example

Welcome my loyal and dedicated Computer Art Students!

Marcet here, greetings!  Should be a great semester, I'm looking forward to it!  This is the sight that I will post assignments and examples.  Please copy and make note of it.  More to follow!